Slave Trade: Exploring Employment, Economy, Investors, and Solutions
Slave Trade: Exploring Employment, Economy, Investors, and Solutions 1 - Employment Understanding the concept of employment is crucial when examining the issue of slave trade. Employment refers to how individuals utilize their time to develop their wealth and health. In the context of slave trade, it involves individuals who are forced to utilize their time to develop the wealth and health of others, often at the expense of their own well-being. In terms of the economy and currency, individuals from developing or low economy countries often work for companies founded in developed countries. However, the cost of traveling to these developed countries can be very high. As a result, individuals from mid-low economy countries find themselves in a slave-like economy, where they are able to access basic necessities such as clean water, food, and shelter, but are unable to afford the same standard of living as those in developed countries. It is important to recognize that the Earth is a...