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Artificial Earth 1.0

ARTIFICIAL EARTH 1.0 Climate change poses a significant threat to humanity, with its impacts ranging from food and water scarcity to increased flooding, extreme heat, and the spread of diseases. The World Health Organization has even labeled it as the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century. The main driver of climate change is human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, which release heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. In order to address this pressing issue, the Earth 2.0 project aims to create an Artificial Earth 1.0. The estimated time for this project is four years, with a total cost estimation of 9,99,999 crores. The population estimation for this artificial Earth is 900 crores, with a total of 250 countries. The project involves various aspects, including product manufacturing, installation, reconstruction, law and labor, waste management, and maintenance. The estimated costs for these aspects are 95,000 crores, 89,000 crores, 67,000 crores, 1,75,...