Women in Trade: A Strategic View of SDG 5

Women in Trade: A Strategic View of SDG 5 Introduction Gender equality is a critical aspect of trade operations, with both men and women playing vital roles in import, export, customs, freight, transport, finance, review, monitoring, administrative support, and more. This research paper focuses on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 and its relationship to other SDGs, policy differences that motivate and demote genders, and how environments and ecological systems can support gender equality in trade. SDG 5 and Its Relationship to Other SDGs SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. It is closely linked to other SDGs, including: SDG 1: No Poverty - Gender inequality is a major cause of poverty, and empowering women can help reduce poverty rates. SDG 2: Zero Hunger - Women play a vital role in food production and distribution, and empowering them can help improve food security. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being - Gender inequality can lea...