Edenz India

 Introduction : 

Intro : 

India has largest rural population in the world , now a days they are ready to migrating from rural

areas, to urban area for better livelihood opportunities .In this case , it leads to urban poverty , social turbulence, increase

unemployment , but Every body knew that India has a rich Civilization heritage , resource , talented workforce ,

technology , communication system and all . And this is time to initiate technology and telecommunication system to

health , education , criminal complaints and small / micro finance industries in rural areas to develop a new IT /

Communication service or deploy with Existing Services and increase number of child Non governmental organization,

private sectors, call back / text reply back services , Data centers , E- Learning centers, R & D Centers , Retailers ,

Mobile recharge , mobile user as well as mobile recharge The main objective of the trust is create valuable projects in

health , education ,criminal complaints , disaster relief implement that into rural areas , villages , Towns , Cities for make

a strong nation , for that we need funds or grants or contributions or donations from Indian government / non governmental

organization / private sectors or some other foreign companies , for time to time based on projects which gives platform to

developing India in technology and economy wise . Our motive is to drive a nation towards growth & prosperity , to help

people to improve their livelihoods through increased productivity and incomes, and reduction in risks .

Summary : 

 revolution is the only motive behind my goal . 

eCommerce business like Amazon , Zomato , Facebook, byju's and Google etc ...when they are targeting large scale business  only for more profit and taking control of all small scale business, will lead technology slavery like our old days . So i hope my applications and techniques will make every businesses are common and profitable .

My habit is develop a solution first and then work hard to make it happen . As like , i found solution on 2016 , in the name of Eden innovative charitable trust , then i spent 4 years to analyse every software and technology from Internet for different categories of businesses. i started to collect all quality and user experience issue from all softwares ,then i created a new and easiest type of technique to develop all kind of local business for very low cost . 

My biggest achievement is found  algorithms of all leading technology companies are made for large scale or millionaire businesses only and it won't support for any small scale business even they are ready to pay , as well all defence technologies are controlling by developed countries like USA , France , Germany and UAE  and they will never allow any devloping countries to develop more than them . 

To make technology is more comfortable for all uneducated rural people , so i choose data based application and technology which is understandable by any local or medium business from any rural place . 

Make every business online ,  managed by single de centralised application or technology .

This is one man mission because none of my parents or friends not able to understand my motive as well they are all money minded who like to earn more money than  development .

And my biggest challenge is develop a easiest techniques very quickly for all rural business ,Before leading technology companies found their technical issues and make it comfort.

Edenz India is a multi national company developed by Prasanth Natarajan @ Brilie from Tamilnadu India . 

He is interested to develop a new kind of business technique which supportable for all kind of business , So he developed a marketing automation solution for all business and services which is easily adaptable for rural business , uneducated owners , small business , local professionals and more 

This kind technique helps to increase smart phone users , internet users and self employment service  .

The main motive is to increase self employment so everyone able to earn money from online using their basic talents .

learn more : 





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