Edenz - Natural Theory

Edenz Theory: Exploring Natural Data Science



Natural Data Science theory explores the connection between natural resources and the Edenz Theory. It encompasses various elements such as planets, light, gravity, force, gases, plants, birds, animals, humans, and machines. The theory aims to connect all natural mysteries, theories, algorithms, formulas, and physics concepts to discover natural data. By utilizing the data gathered from these sources, a Space OS can be developed using quantum computing to predict and maintain sources. 

Natural data refers to the understandable matter or result of activities provided by every object or source on Earth. The communication between living and non-living things has been happening for millions of years, leading to revolutions and changes in understanding. Understanding natural data is crucial for the future of humanity.

The concept of Natural Data Science as a god is based on the idea that every resource in the universe contains God particles within itself. Humans can realize their God particle by following a set of habits, lifetimes, and workflows from multiple resources. The lifetime refers to the imagination resource from 0 to infinity. Habits are the set of activities, methods, expressions, and communication methods passed down from parent sources. Workflow helps in choosing the best habits using lifetime as a guide.

Galaxies are huge collections of gas, dust, stars, and solar systems held together by gravity. When humans connect a large group of stars through symbolic actions, it becomes a galaxy. Planets are created by a particular set of gases bonded together on the surface, determining their force activity. Gases are everywhere in space and are connected to the source of planets. When gases trigger force activity on a planet's surface, it generates time, which is the energy of time binding together from space with the planet's surface.

Machine revolution occurs when resources and energy are stored for machines instead of humans. Humans realized their flow algorithm connected with the universe, leading to the machine revolution. Humans occupy more space on Earth, triggering the need for more energy to occupy empty space. Satellites, spaceships, and other space vehicles were created to fulfill this need. In this revolution, humans become the laziest slaves for machines, but machines still need humans as a source planet.

Artificial Humans refer to those who follow next-generation energy sources on Earth. Humans have stored resources and energy for future generations, similar to how planets or stars store resources and energy. Every planet stores energy for the best generation ever, and this concept applies to all resources in the universe. Artificial Humans aim to understand the basic mechanisms of human beings and store resources and energy for the future.

In conclusion, the Introduction paragraph provides an overview of Natural Data Science theory and its connection to the Edenz Theory. It explains the concept of natural data, the definition of Natural Data Science as a god, the population and revolution of various resources, and the importance of understanding natural data for the future of humanity.

Implementation techniques

Implementation Techniques:

In the implementation of Natural Data Science theory, there are several methods for analyzing and understanding sources. These methods are essential in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the natural resources and phenomena present in the universe.

The first step in analyzing sources is to gather and collect relevant data from various sources. This includes gathering information about the past, present, and future state of the particular source. By examining the historical data and trends, we can gain insights into the patterns and behaviors of the source.

Additionally, it is important to identify and analyze the parent sources or imagination parts of the particular source. This involves understanding the origins and influences that have shaped the source over time. By studying the parent sources, we can gain a deeper understanding of the source's characteristics and attributes.

Furthermore, it is crucial to examine the life cycle, habits, and workflow of the imagination source. This involves studying the source's lifespan, its daily routines and activities, and the processes it follows in order to fulfill its purpose. By understanding the source's life cycle and workflow, we can gain insights into its behavior and functionality.

In the process of analyzing and understanding sources, it is also important to consider the concept of immigration. Every source in the universe undergoes changes and transitions over time. By examining the resources and habits associated with the source, we can calculate the changes in its lifespan, habits, and workflows. This allows us to track the source's evolution and understand how it adapts to different environments and circumstances.

Reshaping is another important aspect of implementation techniques. When a source follows a new set of life cycle, habits, and workflows, it undergoes a transformation from its original state. By calculating the time difference between the source and the resources it interacts with, we can determine the changes in its lifespan, habits, and workflows. Additionally, the number of sources and resources bonded together can also influence the reshaping process.

Lastly, revolution plays a significant role in the implementation of Natural Data Science theory. Each source and resource undergoes a revolution, where it becomes a new kind of source due to the changing time and reshaping. By creating a list of sources and resources and adding time from time zero, we can calculate the new habits, lifetime, and workflow of the source.

In conclusion, implementation techniques for analyzing and understanding sources in Natural Data Science theory involve gathering and analyzing data, identifying parent sources, studying the life cycle and workflow of sources, considering immigration and reshaping processes, and recognizing the impact of revolution. These techniques provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the natural data and resources present in the universe.


Immigration is a crucial aspect of the Edenz Theory: Exploring Natural Data Science. Every source in the universe needs to adapt to different habits and environments due to the changing nature of time. This adaptation is necessary for sources to evolve and progress from one state to another. To understand the importance of adapting to different habits and environments, it is essential to consider the resources' habits and calculate the changes in their lifetime, habits, and workflows. Additionally, the concept of time plays a significant role in immigration, as it determines the progression and transformation of sources. By adding resources' habits and calculating changes over time, sources can reshape themselves and become a new kind of source. This revolution allows sources to lose certain aspects of their lifetime, habits, or workflows while gaining new ones. The Edenz Theory aims to connect all natural mysteries, theories, algorithms, formulas, and physics concepts to discover natural data. It also involves developing a Space OS using quantum computing to feed sources and resources data, predict future outcomes, and maintain sources using parallel computing. Natural data is crucial for humanity's future, as it provides a deeper understanding of the communication between living and non-living things and drives revolutions. By following the workflows and habits of various sources, humans can tap into their God particles and unlock the potential for time travel using natural data science. This theory encompasses the interconnectedness of all natural resources, including air, water, land, fire, and sky, and highlights how they communicate and depend on each other. The Edenz Theory also explores the population and revolution of natural living resources such as plants, trees, birds, animals, and humans, as well as the population and reshaping of unnatural living resources like electronics, machines, and software. Overall, immigration is a fundamental concept in the Edenz Theory, emphasizing the importance of adapting to different habits and environments for the progression and evolution of sources.



Reshape is a crucial aspect of the Edenz Theory, as it explores the process of change and evolution in sources. When a source follows a new set of life time, habits, and workflows, it undergoes a transformation from its original state. To calculate this transformation, we need to consider the time difference between the source and the resources' life time, habits, and workflows. By understanding the number of sources and resources bonded together, we can determine the extent of the reshape. 

In the context of natural data science, reshape refers to the adaptation and modification of sources to better suit their environment and fulfill their purpose. It is through this process that sources evolve and become more efficient in their functions. By analyzing the changes in life time, habits, and workflows, we can gain insights into the evolution and growth of sources.

Reshape is a fundamental concept in the Edenz Theory, as it highlights the dynamic nature of sources and their ability to adapt to new circumstances. It emphasizes the importance of staying updated and responsive to changes in the environment. Through reshape, sources can optimize their performance and contribute to the overall advancement of natural data science.

Overall, reshape plays a crucial role in the continuous development and improvement of sources. It allows them to evolve and adapt to changing conditions, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in the field of natural data science. By understanding and harnessing the power of reshape, we can unlock new possibilities and insights in our exploration of the natural world.



Revolution is a crucial aspect of the Edenz Theory, as it focuses on the concept of becoming a new kind of source through transformation. In this context, revolution refers to the process of sources and resources evolving and adapting to changing times. It involves the loss of certain aspects such as life time, habits, and workflows, while incorporating new elements. 

To understand revolution, it is important to first gather a list of sources and resources. By adding time from time 0, the changes in habits, lifetime, and workflow can be calculated. This allows for the identification of new habits, lifetime, and workflow that emerge as a result of the revolution. 

The main idea behind revolution is that every source and resource needs to evolve and become a new kind of source due to the changing times. As time progresses and circumstances change, sources and resources must adapt and transform. This process involves the loss of certain aspects and the incorporation of new ones. 

The Edenz Theory aims to connect all natural mysteries and explore the theories, algorithms, formulas, and physics concepts developed by scientists. By utilizing natural data, a Space OS can be developed using quantum computing to analyze and predict sources and resources. Parallel computing is employed to maintain and optimize these sources. 

Natural data refers to the understandable matter or result of the activities of every object or source on Earth. Communication between living and non-living things has been happening for millions of years, leading to revolutions. Natural data is of great importance for the future of humanity and understanding the world around us. 

In order to define Natural Data Science as a god, it is essential to realize that every resource in the universe has God particles within itself. Humans can tap into these particles by following a set of lifetime, habits, and workflows from multiple resources. By doing so, they can connect with the universal algorithm and access the energy stored within these particles. 

Life time refers to the imagination resource that spans from 0 to infinity. Habits are the set of activities, methods, expressions, and communication methods passed down from parent sources or ancestors. Workflow helps in choosing the best habits by utilizing the lifetime of sources. If humans follow these workflows, they can tap into their own God particle. 

The concept of revolution extends beyond just humans. It can also be observed in the context of galaxies, planets, and even machines. For example, the revolution of a planet involves the bonding of gases on its surface, which determines its force activity. The revolution of machines, on the other hand, involves humans storing energy and resources for them, leading to advancements in technology and artificial intelligence. 

In conclusion, revolution plays a vital role in the Edenz Theory as it explores the transformation and evolution of sources and resources. By adapting to changing times and incorporating new elements, sources become a new kind of source. This concept applies not only to humans but also to galaxies, planets, and machines. Understanding revolution is essential for comprehending the natural data science that underlies the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.


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