What is Freedom ! Celebrations of Independence day for Humans 2027 .

What is Freedom ! Celebrations of Independence day for Humans 2027 .

Climate Change causes natural disasters , diseases and astroid collision . the only way to control climate change for very less time is to change time . Time depends on every aspect of assets on this earth . It should be changed by multiple machines , chemicals and equipment's  are required . After humans do not need to work or use time to make food , water , electricity , farming and medicines . it will reduce time effort of maximum level of humans that leads to reduce climate change very easily and quickly.

 Before freedom Indians don't know about rules , laws , crimes of their own Culture . Whatever their ancestors guiding them is a law of life for them . 

After learn about multiple cultures they started to follow people who are powerful or Richest.

Rich people want to earn money as well Powerful people want to increase their level of power so they will never stop growing using crime activities . For that they will kill , loot , rape and do any illegal activities without interruption . 

As per Natural data Science theory which was founded by eCommerce Entrepreneur, It is easy to find evidence or clues of every crime  activity around world . Just Numbers , Electronic / Natural data and predictive algorithms is enough . But there's no use of finding criminals or crimes because of the Money or Power . The best way to stop all crimes is to destroy money and power from this world or it should be accessible by anyone . 

Edenz India aims to develop automation strategy using social media ,  ECommmerce media , Robots , Sensors and Satellites . It is technology and it will never support crime activities alike Money or Power . And it is not easy to develop a technology against money and power . 

The eCommerce Entrepreneur, Prasanth Natarajan  founder of Edenz India aims to develop a common decentralised applications between money and power so he believes it will be solutions for all crimes not for criminals. Because the technology will able to control crimes not criminals . Criminals should be controlled by humans but every humans are workship for money or Power . 

eCommerce Entrepreneur of india decided to develop robots to control all criminals world wide because as per natural data science theory technology , the criminals always find another way to do crimes for money or Power . 

Edenz India about to introduce edenz drones , edenz Robots , edenz electrical sensors , edenz satellites to controlling all criminals world wide before 2027 . 

Prasanth Natarajan ,the eCommerce Entrepreneur believes Robots , sensors , drones and satilites able to stop all crime in this world , but it should not depend on any country , religion , language or colour . So founder of Edenz India decided to own all above technology himself alone . 

Prasanth Natarajan , the Digital Entrepreneur spends more than 5 years to study about all technology and crime activities around world , he believes every human addicted of money and power that will destroy this world very soon by using climate or weather Change . So founder of Edenz India wants to use all his hard work and knowledge to develop best defence system in this world . But Money and Power Will never support this kind of project then he started to believe in the Spiritual or Gods of this world or Universe and he wanted to go to the Vatican City to meet pope as well royal club of England before 2024 .

Founder of Edenz India believes people of ,  power and money who will support his project of Edenz India  .


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